WAVE Work Group Communications

Every Device. Every Network. Every Team. Connected Like Never Before.
WAVE Work Group Communications is a communications interoperability and broadband push-to-talk (PTT) solution that delivers real-time voice and data securely over any network using any device. From two-way radios to smartphones, laptops to landlines, tablets to rugged handhelds, users can use the devices they already have and the networks they already subscribe to and PTT with other teams and individuals both inside and outside of their communication system.
Wherever your personnel are, whatever they do, WAVE Work Group Communications lets them connect with simple, secure and affordable PTT.
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Customer Stories

WAVE Drives Communications Interoperability for Canadian Pacific Police Service
The CPPS needed a push-to-talk solution that would connect the many different radio systems spanning their vast 14,000 mile rail network. WAVE solves the problem, enabling officers to use smartphones for secure PTT communications with radio users.

WAVE Solution Helps Connexus Energy Expand Radio PTT to Broadband Devices
Connexus Energy elevates safety, productivity and customer service with the help of flexible work group communications using Motorola Solutions WAVE 5000 broadband push-to-talk to extend its MOTOTRBO network to computers, smartphones and tablets.

Air Evac Lifeteam Uses WAVE to Extend Emergency Communications
WAVE helps Air Evac Lifeteam, the largest independently owned and member-supported air medical service in the U.S., affordably achieve near-unlimited scalability, greater efficiency, extensive communications interoperability and system redundancy.

Secure, Real-Time Radio Communications for the United States Coast Guard
The US Coast Guard is using the WAVE Work Group Communications system from Motorola Solutions to facilitate real-time conversations between radio users and those located at bases on land.

20th Support Command Counts on WAVE for Rapid Deployment Communications
The U.S. Army’s 20th Support Command (SUPCOM) depends on WAVE Work Group Communications as part of their rapid deployment communications equipment to improve reachback from worldwide field locations to subject matter experts at headquarters, as well as tight coordination with on-scene agencies and first responders in emergency situations.

Washington State Emergency Management Division Leverages WAVE for Statewide Public Safety Communications Interoperability
WAVE’s ability to bridge and unite radios and other devices, regardless of technology, manufacturer, frequency or operator allows the EMD to effectively coordinate emergency response among any number of different organizations.
WAVE Applications

WAVE Mobile Communicator Overview
Transform any smartphone into a secure, multi-channel push-to-talk device with the WAVE Mobile Communicator to extend your communications and enable better collaboration among teams.

WAVE Web Communicator Overview
Transform any Internet-connected computer into a secure, multi-channel workstation for monitoring, transmitting and receiving push-to-talk communications with the WAVE Web Communicator to enable better collaboration among teams.

WAVE Desktop Communicator Overview
Learn how to enhance communications with WAVE Desktop Communicator, a feature-rich software application that allows office-based or mobile workers to use desktop or laptop PCs to monitor, transmit and receive audio from multiple communication systems.