The Challenges PSAPs Face *
Siloed Systems
90% of PSAPs are looking for better product integration and 40% say points of failure are chief concerns
Outdated Technology
40% of agency computers may be 7+ years old, stressing teams and affecting efficiencies
Cyber Threats
50% increase in cyber threats on state and local governments over the last three years.
*Nuance and BlueVoyant Survey
Drive The Outcomes You Want
These challenges impact the confidence teams have in their systems and their abilities to effectively serve and protect their communities. What are the steps you can take for better outcomes?
Remove the barriers
Leave siloed systems behind and adopt workflows built around your operational needs. Unify and simplify your processes.
Turn data into knowledge
Adopt interoperable software, from call to case closure, built on an intelligent platform, gaining the knowledge you need at exactly the right time in the right context.
Secure your operations
Free your PSAP from the worry of cyber attacks by utilizing software developed, deployed and maintained with an intelligent security-first approach.