More than half of police forces throughout Great Britain are already benefitting from digital mobile policing with Pronto.
Designed to help our customers meet their digital first agendas and supporting the National Vision for Policing, Pronto ensures that accurate and validated informartion is captured digitally at the front end of the business process. This information can then be reused multiple times across different business processes without rekeying, and submitted to back end systems, in real time, removing the need for duplication. This information can also be be shared with partners in the wider Criminal Justice System (CJS).
With off-line and online working, Pronto allows our customers to work in truly dynamic ways, significantly reducing time spent on travel and inaccurate administration whilst increasing front line visibility further supporting our customers’ Public First programmes.
The cost savings realised by our customers demonstrates the value of digital first, for example individual forces have predicted savings of between £1.5 and £18 million each year with Pronto.
Pronto - Putting Digital Technology on the Front Line (Brochure)
Throughout Great Britain, Pronto is enabling communities to benefit from more efficient services and greater police presence on the streets.