Overcoming Challenges for Better Water Control
Managing the water supply for a large, geographically diverse area is not an easy task. Find out how powerful, flexible SCADA improved water quality and management for the Western United States county.
Read the Case StudyProcess Automation and Communication for Greater Operational Control
With costs continuing to be a major obstacle to oftentimes much-needed infrastructure upgrades, you must look to technologies that can create gains in efficiency and productivity. Improve the speed and accuracy of your operations by securely automating field processes with Motorola Solutions' ACE remote terminal units (RTUs), a product line built on a history of MOSCAD success. Further expand your control by integrating the RTUs with your two-way radio system or a combination of almost any other network for encompassing data communication. Our solutions help you reduce operational downtime, optimize infrastructure efficiency and keep personnel out of potentially dangerous situations - maximizing the productivity, safety and profitability of your business.
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Customer Stories

Integrating Networks To Enable Better Voice and Telemetry
Find out how Southeast Belarus Oil & Gas company Belorusneft improved voice and data communication across their operations with MOTOTRBO and SCADA.

Early Warning System Secures Spanish Ports
Combined TETRA and SCADA solutions promote safer maritime trade.

Keeping the Lights on in the N.E. United States
Find out how this Northeastern United States electric utility is increasing service and decreasing outages with SCADA smart grid distribution automation.