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Human and Labor Rights Policy


It is Motorola Solutions’ policy to conduct business in compliance with the law and widely accepted norms of fairness and human decency (see Motorola Solutions’ Code of Business Conduct). Motorola Solutions’ Human and Labor Rights Policy governs all activities regarding Motorola Solutions employees as well as interactions with our partners, vendors and suppliers in our facilities and communities worldwide. It is based on our long-standing key beliefs of uncompromising integrity and constant respect for people, and is consistent with the core tenets of the International Labour Organization's fundamental conventions and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multi-National Enterprises and informed by other internationally recognized standards including the Code of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) of which we are a member. Motorola Solutions continually seeks opportunities for improving its human rights program. We are committed to maintaining a high-quality program through self-assessments, industry collaboration, benchmarking and stakeholder engagement. 

Anti-discrimination and retaliation
Motorola Solutions is committed to a workforce and value chain free of harassment and unlawful discrimination.  We employ people on the basis of their ability to do the job, and we prohibit discrimination based on employees’ personal characteristics, conditions or beliefs. We will not discriminate in hiring and employment practices such as wages, promotions, rewards and access to training on grounds of race, color, religion, age, national origin, citizenship, social or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, marital status, pregnancy, genetic information, political affiliation, union membership, protected veteran status, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic.  Retaliation against any anyone who reports in good faith a concern to Motorola Solutions about actual or suspected violations of this policy will not be tolerated. 

Freely chosen employment
We do not use forced, bonded (including debt bondage), involuntary, slave, prison or indentured or exploitative labor, or engage in trafficking of persons. We ensure that terms of employment of our employees and contract or migrant workers are voluntary. If we recruit contract or migrant employees or workers, we pay agency recruitment fees and ensure there are no employment, relocation or end-of-service expenses. If any such fees are found to have been paid by employees or workers, such fees shall be repaid to the employee or worker. We do not require any employee or contract or migrant worker to remain in employment for any period of time against his or her will, or engage in practices which restrict their movement or ability to terminate employment. We do not require employees, contract or migrant workers to lodge "deposits" or hand over government-issued identification or immigration documents, passports or work permits. We do not destroy, confiscate, conceal, or in any way deny employees or workers access to government-issued identification or immigration documents, passports or work permits. We do not use deceptive, misleading or fraudulent practices during recruitment of employees, contract or migrant workers. As part of the hiring process, we provide written employment agreements in employee or worker’s native language that contain a description of job duties, pay and terms and conditions of employment. 

No child labor
Our hiring practices conform with the International Labour Organization (“ILO”) conventions for minimum age (Convention 138) and child labor (Convention 182). Employees or workers under the age of 18 should not perform work that is likely to jeopardize their health or safety, including night shifts and overtime. 

Fair working hours
We manage operations in compliance with laws and to ensure that overtime does not exceed levels that create inhumane working conditions. We do not require employees to work more than the maximum hours of daily labor set by local law. We do not require, on a regularly scheduled basis, work in excess of 60 hours per week or in excess of six consecutive days without a rest day. Overtime work is not mandatory for employment.

Wages and benefits
Our employees are paid at least the minimum applicable legal wage or, where no wage law exists, the local industry standard. We pay for overtime at a rate that at least meets the local legal requirement. In any event, we provide wages and benefits to our employees to at least meet basic needs. For each pay period, we provide employees with a timely and understandable wage statement that includes sufficient information to verify accurate compensation for work performed. We do not make deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure. 

Freedom of association and collective bargaining
We recognize the right of our employees to form and join associations of their own choosing or to refrain from joining, as well as the right to collective bargaining and to engage in peaceful assembly. In all cases, we respect employees’ rights to open communication, direct engagement, and humane and equitable treatment. We do not discriminate or retaliate against employees for engaging in union organizing and collective bargaining activities, or in other forms of collective representation. 

Safe, healthy and respectful working conditions
We provide a safe, healthy and respectful work environment for employees. In cases where we provide housing or dining facilities, we operate and maintain them in a safe, sanitary and dignified manner.

No harsh or inhumane treatment
The safety and security of employees at our facilities are key priorities. We prohibit harsh and inhumane treatment including abuse and harassment of employees (e.g. sexual abuse or harassment, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse) as well as the threat of any such treatment.


We commit to protect the privacy rights of our employees and of everyone with whom they do business including partners, suppliers, customers, and consumers.  We comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements when personal information is collected, processed, transmitted, shared and stored.  If employees or others have any privacy concerns or need to report an incident related to business conducted by Motorola Solutions, they may contact Motorola Solutions’ Security Operations Center at: Phone: 1-302-444-9838 or send an email to

Reporting and transparency
We offer our workforce, as well as customers, partners and suppliers, the ability to report, on a confidential basis, potential violations of this and other policies through a number of different resources, including our global EthicsLine (Phone: U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico dial 800-5Ethics (800-538-4427) or internationally +1 847-576-1878 or by email to We investigate such reports and take timely remedial or corrective action when appropriate. On an annual basis, we provide aggregate data related to EthicsLine intakes in our Corporate Responsibility Report. Failure to comply with this policy is a violation of the Motorola Solutions’ Code of Business Conduct and is the basis for disciplinary action that may include termination of employment. In some cases, individual civil or criminal penalties may also apply.

Individual employees are responsible for complying with this policy. Employees are expected to report violations or suspected violations of this policy to their supervisor, the Office of Ethics or a Business Conduct Champion.

Updated October 2019