Remote Mount Cables (HKN6168/HKN6169/HKN6170)

These remote-mount cables enable users to separate the mobile control head from the transceiver. This is beneficial when there is limited space in the dash or console for the mobile. Available in 3 different lengths:
HKN6168 30-foot Cable
HKN6169 17-foot Cable
HKN6170 10- foot Cable
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APX Dual Radio
Mobile Radios
Ideal for first responders, the APX Dual Radio enables users to monitor and scan up to four different frequency bands via a single O7 control head.
APX™ 7500 Multi-Band P25 Mobile Radio
Mobile Radios
The top of the line mobile equipped with leading edge technology. Ideal for agencies requiring multiband interoperability and use with the O9 integrated control head.
ASTRO 25 XTL 2500 P25 Mobile Radio
Mobile Radios
The ASTRO® 25 XTL™ 2500 digital mobile radio is no longer manufactured, however accessories and replacement parts may be available.
ASTRO XTL 1500 P25 Mobile Radio
Mobile Radios
The ASTRO® XTL™ 1500 digital mobile radio is no longer manufactured, however accessories and replacement parts may be available.
ASTRO XTL 5000 Digital Mobile Radio
Mobile Radios
The XTL ® 5000 mobile radio is no longer manufactured, however accessories and replacement parts may be available. For product availability please contact your local Motorola Dealer.
APX™ 8500 All-band P25 Mobile Radio
Portable Radios
Achieve unlimited interoperability, secure WiFi connectivity and purpose-built design to enable ease of installation and removal with the APX 8500.