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 officer with radio

Radically speed up cloud-based radio programming with LTE

With thousands of radios, hundreds of codeplugs, and few resources, updating your fleet can take months.

SmartProgramming updates occur in real time, in the field. Radio software updates can be accepted anytime, anywhere utilizing the higher speed bandwidth and extended coverage of the LTE network.

New mission-critical technology platform with FedRAMP® High Authorization

Keep radios in the field with SmartProgramming.

Your radio is the lifeline you count on. SmartProgramming allows you to update your LTE enabled radios with zero touch and zero downtime

Update anywhere, anytime

Cloud-based programming updates can be delivered to your radios in any location at any time utilizing LTE.

Efficiently manage your radios

SmartProgramming can configure your radios before you receive them so you can efficiently plan ahead.

Enhance agility

SmartProgramming allows you to dynamically reprogram your radios to respond to situations as they evolve.

officer holding radio

Program and update your radios anytime, anywhere.

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Easy ownership experience

We’ve engineered RadioCentral to give you back time. Reducing set-up, programming and management tasks from months to minutes, anywhere, any time.

Managing 1000 radios - before and NEXT

Initial Programming

What once took 1 month now takes 10 minutes

Software & Security Updates

What once took 6 months now takes 10 minutes

Accelerated configuration

Easy configuration over the cloud for programming as many radios as you want, anytime, anywhere, and even before you open the box.

Rapid updates

Radios stay in the field and updates are immediate with a push of a button, when you want them.

Centralized management

Manage your radios from any location. Keep your technology up-to-date, and your data secure with redundancy.

Want to learn more about SmartProgramming?

Complementary solutions

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With remote management, we don't need to touch every single device. We can track all assets, while managing all the updates, codeplugs and templates.

Kevin Aswinanun, Management Information Systems

Prince William County Police

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