About Glendale, Arizona
Glendale Police Department, serving 250,000+ residents, has implemented a Real-Time Crime Center and City Watch program that speeds response times, bridges safety gaps for local businesses and helps the department operate more efficiently through real-time intelligence.
How radio innovation assists officers in the field in real-time
Using APX NEXT radios helped Glendale Police Department patrol the Big Game as well as provided added safety to officers in the field with enhanced radio coverage and real-time location and mapping.
How license plate recognition (LPR) technology fights crime in real-time
Using a combination of fixed and mobile LPR systems, Glendale Police Department has generated evidence for homicide investigations, recovering stolen vehicles and much more.
Technology integration leads to success in the Real-Time Crime Center
With so many systems available, integration of technology is key to having an efficient workflow. By integrating CAD, Records, LPR, Analytics, and Radio into Command Central Aware, Glendale has greatly increased efficiency and effectiveness.
Investigations are enhanced with Real-Time Crime Center technology
Whether it be verifying witness statements or filtering vehicle types, patrol officers and detectives can now leverage real-time tools to enhance their investigations. “Technology has made us better,” says Chief Briggs.
Building a public/private partnership through the City Watch program
Live access to local business camera footage has greatly increased the effectiveness and efficiency of protecting community businesses. Employees feel safer. Customers feel safer. Police have better access and faster response times. Everyone Wins.

We’re now taking community policing to a whole new level and we’re doing it with technology.

Chief Chris Briggs
Glendale Police Department