Redefining "Real-Time" With New Technology
Behind former Chief Craig’s vision was a simple idea: by leveraging technology, the department could move away from reacting to crime and play a much bigger role in interrupting crime in real-time. The idea for Project Green Light was born. High-definition cameras were installed at gas stations where the highest incidences of crime occurred. These cameras transmit their feeds to the Detroit PD's Real-Time Crime Center where analysts, under Sergeant Kari Sloan, use CommandCentral Aware to monitor the video streams and virtually patrol crime hotspots.
As those in the Real-Time Crime Center learned the new technology, it quickly became clear to first responders in the field, analysts, leadership, and the rest of the team, that they had a new set of resources that could change the way they approached their jobs.
Building Trust And Changing Perceptions
As former Chief Craig monitors the program, he's seeing success - citizens feel safer and there's a greater sense of comfort and community in the neighborhoods. Businesses in the community want to participate in Project Green Light and departments across the country are trying to learn more about implementing similar programs that leverage similar technologies.
Ultimately the goal is a safer Detroit. “It starts with being able to take your family downtown, to a neighborhood in the city and feel safe,” says Chief White. “It’s about that communication with the community, and our interaction with the community. It’s about technology. It’s about all these pieces working together. If I feel safe, I’m going to visit the city. If I feel safe and I visit the city and I have a good experience, I’m going to tell the city’s story."

The Moments That Mattered

Chief James Craig (former)
Hear former Chief Craig recount how Detroit's virtual patrol helped capture a suspect in only hours.

Chief James White
Chief White shares his most memorable story of disrupting illegal drug activity with technology.

Captain Mark Thornton
Captain Thornton relates a moment where technology mattered in resolving a hit and run.
Download The Full Case Study
Detroit Police Department: Renewing Hope Through a Safer Motor City
Detroit Police Department is embracing smart public safety technology to revitalize and restore faith in their city. Read how they are not only solving crime more quickly, but fighting and interrupting it in real time with video intelligence using CommandCentral Aware.