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Discontinued LTE Devices

Find specifications, user guides and similar support for your LTE user device.

These products may no longer be manufactured or available for sale, but here you'll find information on how to upgrade, replace or repair your product.

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  • VML700 LTE Vehicle Modem

    The VML700 LTE Vehicle Modem connects equipment in a vehicle to a Public Safety LTE network, for broadband connectivity on the road.

  • UM1000 LTE USB Modem

    The UM1000 LTE USB Modem plugs into a device’s USB port, connecting the device to a Public Safety LTE network.

  • LEX 755 Mission Critical Handheld

    The LEX 755 delivers mission critical data to enable an intelligence-led response over Public Safety 4G LTE Bands 3, 7 and 20 and 3G around the world.