ASTRO® 25 Security

What If you could
Protect your mission critical radio systems with pro-active security threat detection, real-time correction and response?
Secure your communication system and the information it carries
Protect your voice and data communications with proactive threat detection, real-time response and correction. With access to greater information, interconnecting voice and data systems brings the advantages of improved productivity and increased collaboration; and an increased risk from cyber-criminals looking to do harm to your organization. ASTRO® 25 security is designed to counter security threats associated with mission critical communications.
Prevent and Detect
Prevent unauthorized users from accessing your network and easily access all login data from a centralized location to quickly diagnose system issues.
Over The Air Rekeying
Ensure all of your voice and data communications are secured with encryption keys that update over-the-air. Over-The-Air Rekeying (OTAR) avoids the delays, inconvenience and costs of manual rekeying.
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 certified and P25 Compliant 256 bit encryption to protect LMR voice and data.
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KVL 5000 Key Variable Loader
Includes new enhancements such as mandatory passwords, locked down operating system, wireless blocking, improved data wiping and enhanced audit logging.

Key Management Facility
The KMF is a Project 25 compliant mission critical enterprise solution that can facilitate secure key management and distribution.