Public Safety Threat Alliance
Recognized by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Motorola Solutions has established a cyber threat Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO) to provide the public safety community with actionable intelligence to defend against attacks.
Our shared mission
The Public Safety Threat Alliance (PSTA) serves as a cyber threat intelligence sharing, collaboration and information hub for the evolving cyber security challenges faced by the global public safety community.
Why Now?
Cyber attacks continue to threaten public safety organizations — and some believe better information sharing could help the agencies prepare against and stave off such threats.
What's Next?
Membership is no-cost. Join now to become an associate member and receive the bi-weekly CyberBytes bulletin. Become a full access member by signing an information sharing agreement.
Membership in the Public Safety Threat Alliance is no-cost and open to all public safety agencies and those commercial organizations serving the Public Safety Community.
Actionable intelligence for public safety cyber threats
We collaborate with trusted partners to collect and analyze cyber threat information to protect public safety organizations and the communities they serve.
We focus on the expert delivery of threat intelligence, information sharing and managed defense.
We provide end-to-end cyber threat intelligence and proactive defense solutions for public safety.
We reduce the cybersecurity burden on public safety agencies so they can focus on their mission.
Trusted leadership to collect and share intelligence
The PSTA collects cyber threat information from law enforcement, private sector and other sources and fuses it into a coherent threat picture for PSTA members, providing public safety-focused actionable intelligence.
The PSTA fills a critical void, creating a single entity focused on the collection, analysis, production and sharing of actionable public safety-focused cyber threat information and intelligence.
Billy Bob Brown, Jr.
Executive Assistant Director for Emergency Communications, CISA
The PSTA has been an outstanding resource for our agency. A collection and sharing point of cybersecurity information brings focus to the efforts to show our agency the importance of good cybersecurity practices and continued investments to protect our data.
Technical Services Manager, Texas
Membership in the PSTA has proven to be immensely helpful for our organization. The specialized alerts, insightful intelligence products, and coordination for public safety are truly unparalleled.
CISO, Texas
The PSTA has provided valuable insights into the current cyber threat landscape. The expert analysis and discussion allows us to make more informed and specific decisions about our cyber posture.
Director of Emergency Communications, Kansas